The Beginning of a Dream: Rostam, a builder with love, builds a house of peace for Sahar

Описание к видео The Beginning of a Dream: Rostam, a builder with love, builds a house of peace for Sahar

The new land is beautiful but unknown. With great effort, Rostam and Sahar came to this land to start a new life. In the heart of this land, Rostam passionately begins to design a cozy building. Every stone and nail is a sign of his love and affection for Sahar. He wants to build a house where Sahar can feel peace and comfort.

Rostam puts his whole being into his work. With his mastery and experience, he builds the building with elegance and precision to be a safe haven of peace and prosperity for Sahar. Every morning, with the sunrise, Rostam starts building his house. He knows that his efforts will create a better life for Sahar and their children.

Sahar also stands by Rostam with all her being. She helps Rostam in his work with her love and affection. He knows that this house will be a turning point in their lives, a house built with love and effort.#Important_Hashtags

1. #Dream_Beginning

2. #Love_In_The_Building

3. #New_Life

4. #Home_of_Peace

5. #Strive_and_Hope

6. #Enchanting_Rost

7. #Romantic_Architecture

8. #Safe_Privacy

9. #Craftsman

10. #Better_Life


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