The Latest "Tales Of" Game Excites Me, But... (Tales of Crestoria)

Описание к видео The Latest "Tales Of" Game Excites Me, But... (Tales of Crestoria)

Tales of Crestoria is the latest "Tales Of" series title releasing in 2020 (it was originally slated for a 2019 release but on October 2019 was announced to be pushed to 2020). What sets Tales of Crestoria apart is the fact that it is a mobile game.

So far, I've liked what I've seen! The original teaser trailer was very unique and it appears that Bandai Namco is going for something quite ambitious here. However, there are still some things that concern me....

Of course, the thoughts that I express here are based off of what has been revealed to us. What they have shown so far is still intriguing to me, and I plan to pick up this game once it is released.

What are your thoughts on Tales of Crestoria? Are you looking forward to the game? Do you agree or disagree with my thoughts on Tales of Crestoria? Let me know in the comments down below--I'd love to hear what you have to say!

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