Why use Latin in the Liturgy of the Hours? Part 1

Описание к видео Why use Latin in the Liturgy of the Hours? Part 1

Paul and Fr. Nathaniel discuss Latin while sipping some homemade strawberry lemonade.
Parts 2 and 3 to come soon!

00:00 Hello, welcome to Chants and Rants and let's add some sparkle to our homemade lemonade.
00:29 Fr. Nathaniel pretends to be against the lemonade but secretly looks forward to the refreshment.
00:45 Why Latin in the Liturgy of the Hours? (and other liturgy as well!)
01:13 What Vatican II Says - the use of Latin is to be preserved in the Latin Rites.
01:20 Why did the bishops of Vatican II preserve the Latin for Latin Rites?
02:12 Language dictates something about you. Also do you hear the baby?
02:30 Language shapes our means of communication. Latin has been that means through the history of the Church.
02:55 Liturgy is how we address God: And we have done this through Latin for thousands of years.
03:09 Vatican II also made liturgy in the vernacular a possibility.
03:29 Why, given the obscurity of the language and the allowance of the vernacular, should we use Latin today?
04:13 There is a "givenness" to liturgy - we don't get to make it up.
04:28 Latin today unites us with the Church across the world and through history.
04:38 The newer translation of Latin: "Novo Vulgata."
04:54 What is the "Novo Vulgata"?
05:55 Revisions of the Vulgate
06:58 4 Major Revisions in 2000 years and 4 more in the last 40 in English.
07:16 Latin is slow to revise, and this is good.
07:50 Latin is less malleable than English which makes it more set apart for special use.
08:33 English is is one of the most dynamic languages even by modern standards.
08:39 The French, Spanish have councils regulating their languages and Italian has changed very little in 700 years.
09:01 English has the peculiar problem of constantly changing.
09:26 Even in English our speech to God is regulated
09:45 What is a "collect"?
10:10 The English we use in liturgy goes through an approval process.
10:28 The missal was changed in 2011.
10:46 There will soon be a new revision of the Liturgy of the Hours.
11:23 How difficult is it to render the Latin into the vernacular?
12:00 The prayers for St. Barnabas' memorial versus other memorial prayers.
13:33 Back to "Why Latin?" - tradition and unity!
14:22 Latin is freeing!
14:55 There is something about liturgy that should elevate our thoughts.


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