跟着规矩做事 Vs 随心所欲做事 [ 神の鸡汤 🔻Soul So Talk 07 ] ft​

Описание к видео 跟着规矩做事 Vs 随心所欲做事 [ 神の鸡汤 🔻Soul So Talk 07 ] ft​

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👉今日嘉宾 Today‘s Guess
1. Sayume Kiseki 📡 Twitter: https://x.com/SayumeKiseki
⭐升天直播间注意事项 Notice

⭐【天规条律 Rule】
1. 不允许谈及敏感话题,比如政治,宗教,色情、是非等。交流之间尽力避免负面话题影响他人感受,有敏感人物也自行回避或给予善意的提醒。所有加入直播的人谈及的话题自己需负起传播责任,本直播平台一概不负责。
It is not allowed to talk about sensitive topics, such as politics, religion, pornography, argument. We all must do our best to avoid negative topics that may affect the feelings of others, and we try to avoid or give kind reminders to those who are sensitive. All people who join Streaming will be responsible for the topics they talk about and Kaminodjay Streaming Platform will not be held responsible for any of them.
2. 请记得保护个人隐私。
Please remember to protect your privacy.
Bullying, insulting, and discriminatory behavior towards others is prohibited here.
Mutual understanding and respect is expected in all matters. Conversation should be polite, and humor and jokes are allowed on Djay.
Here do not allow the spread of any right and wrong and emotional, if you have a problem, please discuss rationally , from the discussion to get to deal with the method is sensible.

⭐互动默契 Interactions
1. 时刻可以✨ 迫害/开玩笑,但是尺度要以尊重别人为主。不要过分。
Chatting can be humorous/joking, but the scale should be respectful. Don't overdo it.
2. 基于第一条规,如有任何冒犯,可以🐿️ 先与对方说明。和气相处非常重要。如不能协调,djay会禁言,基于时态的严重性,是会ban出去的哦。请对自己的发言谨慎处理。
Based on the first rule, if there is any offense, you can explain it to the other person first. It is very important to get along with each other in a peaceful manner. If you can't coordinate, it is recommended to ask any administrator to deal with it.
3. 禁止把🙊 私人、他群的争吵,是非搬到这里发酵。
It is forbidden to bring private quarrels to this forum.
4. 这里有不同的身份参与之中,请尊重⚠️ 各领域的潜规则。
There are different identities here, so please respect the unspoken rules of each area.

🔆思想布告栏 Message Board
每天给自己微笑,来鼓励自己。给别人微笑,也是不错的哦。用善意的方式与他人相处。这样是不用钱的散播正能量的方法。你可以用说好话,分享贴文,等等方法鼓励别人。 ⁠
I hope that you can learn through everything that is happening in the moment. One takes the behavior of one's company. I hope you can use the good side and positive energy to influence others. We can all make progress together.
Each of us has characteristics, so let's boldly show them.
Everyone has a different character, character has good and bad sides, there are different background and experiences, we try to use empathy to recognize others; have a knot in the heart also use empathy to understand people. In this way, it is not easy to quarrel. Our hearts need to be preserved with kindness, positive behaviors, and kind words. Do your best not to actively do things that make a negative impact on people. If you do something wrong intentionally or unintentionally, you need to face the problem and admit your mistakes. However, one's own mistakes to admit low but not inferiority complex, on the contrary, one's own in the triumph of the time do not be complacent, proud up.
Give yourself a smile every day to encourage yourself. Give others a smile, is also good Oh. Use kindness with others. This is a way to spread positive energy without money. You can encourage others by saying kind words, sharing postings, and more.
I hope you can encourage yourself and cheer up!



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