15 RARE Predator Weapons From The Movies!

Описание к видео 15 RARE Predator Weapons From The Movies!

One detail the Predators, or Yautja, are known for is their diverse range of weaponry.
Some of the most prominently-featured hunting tools seen on film are the Wristblades, the Plasmacaster, the Smart Disc, the Combistick; and introduced in the latest movie, Prey, the BoltGun.
But not all their weapons are as well-known, and there are many others that you may have overlooked or forgotten about.
In this video we’re going to be looking at fifteen rare Yautja weapons from the movies, in no particular order.

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So without further delay, let’s begin, starting with…

Number 1 – The Ceremonial Dagger
The Ceremonial Dagger was first seen in Alien vs. Predator when the Celtic Predator battles the Xenomorph known as Grid. It is seen again when Scar fashions weapons for Lex Woods out of a Xenomorph head and tail.

Its primary use is to remove the carapace of a Xenomorph to take trophies from, but it could also be used as a close-contact weapon if need be.
The Ceremonial Dagger was stored in a sheath attached to the right shins of all three Youngblood Predators in AVP, and is treated to be immune against Xenomorph blood.
The weapon is associated with the Blooding Rite of Young Blood Yautja.

Number 2 – The Biomask Cannon
Introduced in The Predator, the Fugitives mask featured a built-in miniature Plasmacaster, which would emerge from its fairing and fire automatically at anything that attacked the wearer.
It operated entirely independently from the user’s inputs, and worked even when not worn.

Number 3 – The Razor-Wire Noose
Seen in Alien vs Predator, in the scene where Scar uses it to take out one of Weyland’s mercenaries.
It was made using the same wire used to hang bodies, but fashioned into a noose; Scar also used it later to fashion weapons for Lex.
It could be camouflaged using the Cloaking device, making it almost impossible to see.
The material is slim but strong, able to hold the weight of an adult human as it yanks them up. It also constricts around the throat in such a way that the victim cannot produce any noise, allowing Yautjas to pick off stragglers in a group with utmost stealth.

Number 4 – The Energy Flechette
Introduced in Predator 2, the Energy Flechette is mounted in the Yautja wrist gauntlet. While some versions are seemingly fixed in place, others have been seen that fold away into the gauntlet when not in use. It is similar in many respects to the more common Plasmacaster weapon, albeit firing significantly less powerful bolts and with many of the latter's more advanced features removed. For example, the Energy Flechette is incapable of tracking targets independently, and it does not feature an integrated laser sight; as such, it must be aimed by the Yautja literally pointing their arm at the target, and is only suitable at close range. It would also be difficult to use against small or fast-moving targets.
Owing to its simplistic nature and somewhat lacking power, the Energy Flechette is seemingly only intended as a backup weapon, to be used in situations where more powerful weaponry is unavailable or disabled.

Number 5 – The Wrist Shield
Also known simply as the shield, a deployable device used to deflect enemy attacks, it is highly durable and easily retractable when not in use.
The device was able to withstand blunt force, bladed weapons and even bullets from muskets and pistols. It could also be used offensively, and its edges were sharp enough to slice through the neck of an enemy when activated at close range.

Number 6 – Mines and Traps
Several variations of these weapons have been seen, although they all share similar characteristics in that they are static weapons triggered either when an enemy passes close by, or activated remotely via the wrist computer.
In AVPR, Wolfs Laser Mines would slice through anything that passed through the beams, and in Predators, the Super Predators used Bear-trap like Snares to maim.

Number 7 – Cut-Clamps
Seen in Prey being used by the Feral Predator, they were metallic coiled cutting tools, which, when unfurled could be wrapped around objects and would cut through them with its sharp inner blades.
These were used to free the Predator from traps, and also as an offensive weapon and could sever limbs.
Number 8 – Scimitar Blades
Seen on the Chopper Predator in Alien VS Predator, they are similar to Wristblades in function, but offer greatly increased range owing to their greater size, but at the cost of increased bulk and reduced manuverability. Furthermore, while Wristblades can be folded away completely when not in use, Scimitars have only limited retracting capabilities, meaning the user is affected by their bulk even when not in combat.

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