ANIMALS for Kids in Spanish 🐯🐮🐳 Bilingual Spanish Vocab for Kids 🐒 Compilation

Описание к видео ANIMALS for Kids in Spanish 🐯🐮🐳 Bilingual Spanish Vocab for Kids 🐒 Compilation

Learn some common Spanish words to talk about wild animals, farm animals and sea animals with this fun, interactive video for kids. Stay tuned for a review at the end! In this video we will learn the words:

el león: lion
el elefante: elephant
la jirafa: giraffe
el mono: monkey
el cocodrilo: crocodile
el gorila: gorilla
la cebra: zebra
el tigre: tiger
el rinoceronte: rhinoceros
el oso: bear
el lobo: wolf

la vaca: cow
el caballo: horse
la oveja: sheep
la gallina: hen
el conejo: rabbit
el burro: donkey
la cabra: goat
el perro: dog
el pato: duck
el gato: cat

la foca: seal
el delfín: dolphin
el tiburón: shark
la tortuga: turtle
la ballena: whale
el pez payaso: clown fish
el pulpo: octopus
el cangrejo: crab
el caballito de mar: seahorse
la medusa: jellyfish

This bilingual video promotes translanguaging. Excellent for Spanish as a foreign language, dual language or language immersion classrooms. This video is Spanish to English, so it's also fantastic for Spanish speakers who are learning English.

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¿Quieres más? Smile and Learn is your 360º online language learning solution. Our platform has thousands of fun, interactive activities in Spanish and English across all school subjects for children 3-12 to enjoy. It’s the perfect tool for Spanish as a foreign language, dual language, language immersion, ELL and ESL classrooms or for any child in a bilingual environment.


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