MSAD60 One Brave Knight -*World Premiere*

Описание к видео MSAD60 One Brave Knight -*World Premiere*

One Brave Knight
World Premiere
Paul Cravens (b. 1989) is a composer and church musician from Minnesota. He received his undergraduate degree in composition from Concordia College (Moorhead, MN), and went on to earn his M.A. from the University of New Hampshire.

The title of this piece, One Brave Knight, was inspired by Noble High School’s mascot, the knight. Although the United States does not bestow knighthood on its citizens, the association of knights as being “good guys” has remained firmly entrenched in our psyche via books, plays, and movies. In a sense, we see them as a sort of medieval superhero. Because of their bravery, quick wits, sense of adventure, perseverance, and willingness to sacrifice for a noble cause, we find knights to be protagonists that we aspire to emulate in our personal lives. Overall, the piece tells the story of a knight on a quest facing various challenges and emerging victorious. But the title, One Brave Knight, hints that each one of us can rise up with knightly valor when confronting the challenges of life. In modern times, that might look like standing up for what is right, persistence during setbacks, or bravely starting something new without being sure of where it will take you. When facing challenges or uncertainty, all it takes is one brave knight to lead the charge–others will notice and be inspired.


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