What is a Ureteroscopy?

Описание к видео What is a Ureteroscopy?

Ureteroscopy is a medical procedure that is performed by a urologist to evaluate the ureter. Dr. Daniel Reznicek from Pacific Northwest Urology Specialists (https://pacificnorthwesturology.com/u...) explains what a ureteroscopy is and what to expect from the procedure.

Ureteroscopy is performed with a small camera called a ureteroscope and is usually performed under general anesthesia as an outpatient procedure.

Ureteroscopy is most often performed in the US to treat kidney stones using a holmium laser but it may also be performed to evaluate the ureter for other findings, such as hydronephrosis or to evaluate and treat urothelial cancer.

There are some advantages and disadvantages of the procedure in comparison to extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy (ESWL). Ureteroscopy is a minimally invasive procedure, however, ESWL is non-invasive. It has slightly higher risks. However, ESWL does not work well for very dense stones, those in the lower pole of the kidney, and sometimes may not be able to be performed if the stone is not visualized on X-ray or US. With a ureteroscope, the urologist is able to visualize the stone itself as well as the anatomy within the kidney. The stones may also be able to be grasped and removed with a basket completely, whereas after an ESWL the patient has to pass all the fragments that were broken.

Many urologists combine a ureteroscopy with the placement of a ureteral stent. This is a small, temporary plastic tube that is placed from the kidney to the bladder. This allows the ureter to heal after surgery.


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