Former FBI Director James Comey Testimony on Russia Investigation

Описание к видео Former FBI Director James Comey Testimony on Russia Investigation

SEPTEMBER 30, 2020
Former FBI Director James Comey Testimony on Russia Investigation
FBI Director James Comey testified before the Senate Judiciary concerning the Republican-led review of the FBI’s handling of its investigation of Russian investigation in the 2016 presidential election. Mr. Comey said he stands by the decision to open an investigation. Other topics discussed included the origins of the Christopher Steele dossier of anonymous sources claiming that Russia collected a file of compromising information on President Trump, Attorney General William Barr’s leadership at the Justice Department, and ongoing foreign interference in the 2020 election.

SEPTEMBER 29, 2020
Chairman Graham Releases Information from DNI Ratcliffe on FBI’s Handling of Crossfire Hurricane

09-29-20_Letter to Sen. Graham_Declassification of FBI's Crossfire Hurricane Investigations_20-00912_U_SIGNED-FINAL.pdf

SEPTEMBER 24, 2020
Chairman Graham Releases Newly Declassified Summary Indicating FBI Knew Steele Dossier Source Was Likely a Russian Agent, Had Been Under U.S. Counterintelligence Investigation
FBI failed to inform FISA Court, Continued to Seek FISA Warrants

AG Letter to Chairman Graham 9.24.2020.pdf

JULY 17, 2020
Judiciary Committee Releases Declassified Documents that Substantially Undercut Steele Dossier, Page FISA Warrants

[Document 1] February 9, 2017 Electronic Communication.pdf

[Document 2] Annotated New York Times Article.pdf

JUNE 11, 2020
Judiciary Committee Authorizes Chairman Graham to Issue Subpoenas Related to Oversight of FISA Process, Crossfire Hurricane Investigation


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