北大碩士石浩南的家 Peking University Graduate Settles down in a Qing-dynasty Ancient House

Описание к видео 北大碩士石浩南的家 Peking University Graduate Settles down in a Qing-dynasty Ancient House

In 2016, Shi Haonan, a graduate of Peking University with a master degree, resigned from his job in a design institute, came to Songkou Town in Fuzhou with his ex-colleague Fang Ling, and became a rural architect. Then the two of them got married and had a lovely son. Now they live in a Qing-dynasty ancient house renovated by themselves, and shuttle between the city and the countryside. During school days, one of them takes care of their child in the city; on weekends, the family stay in the village. ‘We don’t need to sacrifice too much for our child. That is the healthiest parents-children relationship,’ said them.

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