Fr Carlos Martins Interview on Arm of St Jude Relic

Описание к видео Fr Carlos Martins Interview on Arm of St Jude Relic

Fr. Carlos Martins, director of Treasures of the Church, talks about the arm of St. Jude Thaddeus relic that is touring the United States or the next several months. The relic was on display for public veneration September 27 at St. Michael Church in Lincoln, Nebraska.

In an interview with Dennis Kellogg, director of communications for the Catholic Diocese of Lincoln, Fr. Martins shares how the relic was obtained, what it means to venerate relics, stories of miraculous healings and conversions that have accompanied this relic of St. Jude, "The Apostle of the Impossible," and how traveling with the relic has impacted his own life.

This video was published on September 28, 2023.


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