I Forgot How To Code!

Описание к видео I Forgot How To Code!

Can a Software Engineer actually lose their coding skills and forget how to code? In this video, I go over 3 tips to avoid become rusty at programming!

AlgoExpert: https://www.algoexpert.io/clem
SystemsExpert: https://www.systemsexpert.io/clem
MLExpert: https://www.algoexpert.io/ml
FrontendExpert: https://www.frontendexpert.io/clem
ProgrammingExpert: https://www.programmingexpert.io/clem
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My Instagram:   / clement_mihailescu  

Prepping for coding interviews or systems design interviews? Practice with hundreds of video explanations of popular interview questions and a full-fledged coding workspace on AlgoExpert - https://www.algoexpert.io - and use the promo code "clem" for a discount on the platform!


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