Let's Play Against the Storm. Gameplay. Full Walkthrough. Experimental.
In this video, you will see me play Against the Storm on Prestige 20 with the new Experimental Update 1.5 featuring the New World Event that is going to be added in the next major update. The Keepers of the Stone DLC is NOT required for this event. 🐸 We go over the announcement news and the patch details for the new content. The new event will start your town run partially developed with a few broken buildings in ruins. Some orders may be completed already, some are already picked for you, and some glades are already open. A certain number of years have passed, some blueprints and cornerstones already chosen or possibly available for you to pick still. Your job will be to clean up the mess and complete the expedition. It's a very challenging map since some glade event threats are active right at the start. In this episode, I picked the Harder Option of the Event. (This VOD is from my live stream broadcast.)
0:00 Welcome Back
1:30 News and Changelog (feel free to skip)
10:45 World Map Recycling
11:58 World Map with the New Events
12:09 Forsaken Town World Modifier
20:44 Prestige 20 Town (Nov7-EXPDLC5-P20-1) Embark Walkthrough
22:20 Starting Town - Scarlet Orchard with Forsaken Town
2:48:12 Ending Screen
*Forsaken Town - Starts with a Town with pre-selected blueprints, buildings in ruins, open glades, some years have already lapsed, a few selected cornerstone, some orders already picked.
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Playlist: • Against the Storm - Keepers of the St...
Walkthrough Playlist: • Against the Storm - Full Release - Wa...
This is the Experimental Branch (Version 1.5.04E) of Against the Storm. I have been playing Against the Storm for over 2 years now in the Early Access, and recently won first place ranking in the Queen Hand's Trial creators event. For more advance Let's Play series, check out my Reset Challenge videos, Sealed Forest series, and Queen's Hand series.
Queen's Hand Trial: • Against the Storm - Queen's Hand Tria...
Reset Challenge Playlist: • Against the Storm - Reset Challenge -...
Previous Challenge Playlist: • Against the Storm - Let's Play - New ...
New Seal Playlist: • Against the Storm - Let's Play - Pres...
Previous Seal Playlist: • Against the Storm - Let's Play - Pres...
Original Playlist: • Against the Storm - Let's Play Series...
This video was broadcasted live on my Twitch Stream Channel:
/ ronempire (don't forget to follow!)
Against the Storm is a Survival Fantasy Colony Sim / City Builder. You are a Viceroy tasked with building towns to gather resources to upgrade the Smoldering Citadel for the Queen. This is a very unique roguelite city builder game with a fantasy vibe. Beavers, Humans, Lizards, Harpies, and Foxes working together to survive against the storm and the mysterious dangerous forests.
For a Discount, use this link to Purchase Against the Storm:
https://www.nexus.gg/ronempire (my Nexus Store)
Steam Description: A dark fantasy city builder where you must rebuild civilization in the face of apocalyptic rains. As the Queen’s Viceroy, lead humans, beavers, lizards, and harpies to reclaim the wilderness and secure a future for civilization's last survivors. About DLC: As the struggle for survival against the Blightstorm continues, Against the Storm - Keepers of the Stone introduces a new species, a new biome, and a selection of new buildings, orders, risks, and opportunities for any Viceroy up for the challenge. The Frogs join the effort to push back the storm, bringing their skill with stone masonry and love for water with them. Meanwhile, a changing of the tides has unlocked new potential in the distance – the Coastal Groves have finally become accessible after countless cycles spent under the deluge. Though they remain isolated and hard to reach, the ancient, submerged settlements of the area hold great treasures waiting to be uncovered.
Steam Page: https://store.steampowered.com/app/13...
#againstthestorm #letsplay #gameplay #walkthrough #walkthroughgameplay #citybuilder #roguelite #keepersofthestone #dlc #survivalcitybuilder #experimental
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