RPG meme - Blue Lock Animatic

Описание к видео RPG meme - Blue Lock Animatic

Thanks for watching! This is the first proper animatic I’ve ever made so I’m pretty excited to share it with y’all.

It took way longer than I thought. I also had to keep delaying finishing it because of school work and other stuff going on with life. Anyways, I really hope you enjoy it :)
Instagram: riverisshroom
Role-Playing Game by SoraMafuUraSaka
   • [MV]ロールプレイングゲーム/そらまふうらさか【オリジナル曲】  
Original meme:
   • rpg original meme collab  

Plz don't repost the video anywhere else! Using screenshots of scenes or doing reactions to the video is allowed as long as you give credit.
Program Used:
MediBangPaintPro and iMovie💀 (I’m on a budget don’t judge)
#anime #bluelock #animatic #animationmeme #rpgmeme #ブルーロック


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