The Destructive Power of the Lionfish | Alien Ocean

Описание к видео The Destructive Power of the Lionfish | Alien Ocean

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Photo manipulations by Friscoborn and The Octopus Lady
Digital art and creative consulting by Friscoborn and Bryan Mann

Check out Bryan Mann's socials:
Twitter:   / bryan_g_mann  
IG:   / bryangregorymann

Music provided by
Night Flow by Finval

Photo Credits:

Video Credits:
FWC Saltwater Fishing - Lionfish Removal: Pensacola Pyramids:    • Lionfish Removal: Pensacola Pyramids  

LakeHickoryScuba - How To De-Spine A Lionfish:    • How To De-Spine A Lionfish  

Albins, M. A., & Lyons, P. J. (2012). Invasive red lionfish Pterois volitans blow directed jets of water at prey fish. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 448, 1-5.


Rizzari, J. R., & Lönnstedt, O. M. (2014). Cooperative hunting and gregarious behaviour in the zebra lionfish, Dendrochirus zebra. Marine Biodiversity, 44(4), 467-468.

Fishelson, L. (1975). Ethology and reproduction of pteroid fishes found in the gulf of Aqaba (Red Sea), especially Dendrochirus brachypterus (Cuvier),(Pteroidae, Teleostei).[Conference paper]. Pubblicazioni della Stazione Zoologica, Napoli.

Galloway, K. A., & Porter, M. E. (2019). Mechanical properties of the venomous spines of Pterois volitans and morphology among lionfish species. Journal of Experimental Biology, 222(6), jeb197905.

Vetrano, S. J., Lebowitz, J. B., & Marcus, S. (2002). Lionfish envenomation. The Journal of emergency medicine, 23(4), 379-382.

Vanden Berghe, E., Martinez, O., & Bailly, N (2004, June 6). Pterois. World Register of Marine Species. Retrieved October 22, 2022, from

US Fish and Wildlife Services (n.d.). Invasive Species. Retrieved October 23, 2022 from

Côté, I. M., & Smith, N. S. (2018). The lionfish Pterois sp. invasion: Has the worst‐case scenario come to pass?. Journal of Fish Biology, 92(3), 660-689.

Albins, M. A. (2013). Effects of invasive Pacific red lionfish Pterois volitans versus a native predator on Bahamian coral-reef fish communities. Biological Invasions, 15(1), 29-43.

Lönnstedt, O. M., Ferrari, M. C., & Chivers, D. P. (2014). Lionfish predators use flared fin displays to initiate cooperative hunting. Biology letters, 10(6), 20140281.


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