
Описание к видео #Global20

In the latest of our Global 20 series, we are privileged to bring you a penetrating interview with Dr Doug Gurr, Director of the Natural History Museum in London. Formerly Global Vice-President and Head of Amazon UK, and Chairman of the British Heart Foundation, Doug is highly respected for his visionary leadership and recognised globally for his remarkable contributions to the realms of technology, business, and public service.

In this deeply compelling interview, Doug talks to our Chairman Iain Rawlinson about his journey from the corporate to non-profit world, the ground-breaking work measuring the pristine natural biodiversity on the Earth’s surface, and the pressing challenges posed by the threat of a sixth mass extinction.

Do listen until the end as Doug imparts his belief that there is hope for the future as a path is found where global economic growth is still possible, without over consuming the Earth's precious and natural resources, whilst emphasising the collective responsibility in this endeavour.


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