GRS Build-A-Cade Pre-Production showcase.

Описание к видео GRS Build-A-Cade Pre-Production showcase.

An easy build it yourself unit with optional gaming controllers of GRS quality. Play stand alone, or connect to a TV and use full size GRS controllers! Optional Joe Szabos artwork available too! Expected price ...around $100.00 depending on options for you kit.

Be sure to join our new GRS Build-A-Cade Facebook group:

Want more products like this, please like and share this video.

Remember GRS = Arcade Quality without the Arcade Price

Go-to tsticks soon for preorder information:

The first 3D Build the Blaze PONG:
   • Blaze PONG made into an Arcade Replic...  

Here is the 3D build that lead to the Build-A-Cade:
   • My 3D Printed Arcade Donkey Kong Mini  

Glen's Retro Show
   / glensretroshow  

Joe Szabos Arcades:

Lets make sure Old School Gamer Magazine reaches its Kickstarter Goal


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