A look at Fixed Mount Vs. Independent Height Adjustable Coilovers

Описание к видео A look at Fixed Mount Vs. Independent Height Adjustable Coilovers

If you are looking for a coilover suspension for your car, most likely as you look at the different options, you will see two different designs that are available.

One of those is a strut that has a fixed perch/mount that connects to your cars hub and knuckle, and the other has a threaded strut that gives you independent height adjustment.

We are about to install a set of Feal 441 Coilovers on our BMW 335i project Car, and we thought we should take a minute to go through what some of the key differences are between these Fixed Perch Coilovers, and the Independent Height Adjustable Coilovers to give you a better sense of what might be best for your application.

On the surface, it might seem that the Independent Height Adjustable Coilvers would be better for most applications, but there are some advantages to the fixed perch design too. And one of the main things that you may want to look at is the balance between compression travel and droop travel for your car.

Hopefully this video will give you some good information to use to pick what will work best for you, and if you have any questions at all, please feel free to reach out to us through the live chat feature on our web-site:


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