The Adventures of Don and the White Animals

Описание к видео The Adventures of Don and the White Animals

Don expels a circus that abused animals from town
(based on the book The Adventures of Don and the White Animals
"The Adventures of Don and the White Animals" for children at the ages 8-12. It is the first part in a series.

The main character of the book is a six years old boy, named Don White. Don is gifted with a mysterious quality: from birth, he has the ability to communicate with animals of all kinds, especially with some white animals that have a birth mark on their fore right limb -- same as the one Don has on the palm of his right hand (see card 4 below).

When Don realizes his powers, he nominates himself as an "Ambassador of all animals", and fights for their rights in a naive and glorious way, as only a child can do.

The animals not only gather around Don, but also come to his rescue in troubled moments, and attack his attackers in a spectacular, curious, amusing and nonviolent ways.

The storyteller is Don's father, Jack White, who is compelled to confront an invasion of mass animals, and a super-natural, mature and independent child.
Don manages to drug his family into extraordinary adventures - he was kidnap by a big white monkey from the circus, he wins a horse race riding a white horse, and being kidnapped by malicious people. Don is saved, of course, but the book ends when the kidnappers are still
free, waiting to meet him in the next book...

...The Adventures of Don and the White Animals ebook now availble in Amazon
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