✨अपराजिता फूल:चेहरे पर लाए चमत्कारी निखार🪻Aparajita flower: Magical Benefits on Skin✨

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✨अपराजिता फूल:चेहरे पर लाए चमत्कारी निखार🪻Aparajita flower: Magical Benefits on Skin✨ #yt #viralvideo

अपराजिता के फूलों में एंटीऑक्सीडेंट्स होने के साथ एंटी-बैक्टीरियल, एंटी-फंगल और एंटी-डायबिटिक गुण होते हैं। ये गुण इंफेक्शन और बीमारियों का खतरा दूर करने में मदद करते हैं। इसके सेवन से बॉडी से टॉक्सिन भी बाहर आते हैं जिससे बॉडी हेल्दी रहती है।

This Aparajita is an evergreen plant belonging to the Fabaceae species, which mainly grows in the form of a creeper. This plant looks very beautiful with its attractive flowers and it is also more famous for this. Let us tell you that this plant is known as Shankhpushpi in many regions and in English it is also known as Asian pigeonwings, bluebellvine, cordofan pea and Darwin pea. To get complete information about this plant, you read our article carefully. Know the flowers, leaves of this plant and their medicinal properties and other features, etc.

Aparajita Plant Introduction

Aparajita or Shankhpushpi is a perennial herbaceous plant, which is mainly known for its beautiful flowers. It is a fast growing plant, which can grow up to about 1 to 2.5 meters. This plant mainly grows in the ground in the form of a type of creeper and vine, due to which it is also planted as an ornamental plant. Very little effort and care is required to grow this plant. Its roots form symbiotic associations with soil bacteria known as rhizobia. It is suitable for growing in all types of soils ranging from sandy soil to heavy clay.

The flowers of this Aparajita or Shankhpushpi plant are generally in blue color and light yellow color from inside. The length of this flower is about 4 cm and the width is around 2 to 3 cm. Let me tell you, these beautiful flowers bloom from the month of June to the end of November and its flowers are followed for a long time. Let me tell you that its flowers are blue as well as white.

English Name: Asian pigeonwings, Bluebellvine, Cordofan pea, Darwin pea

Scientific Name: Fabaceae

Hindi Name: अपराजिता, शंखपुष्पी

Family: Fabaceae – Pea family

अपराजिता के पौधे को आमतौर पर विष्णुकांता या शंकरपुष्पी कहा जाता है। जो ना सिर्फ भगवान विष्णु और शिव को बहुत पसंद आता है बल्कि औषधी के रूप में सेहत के लिए भी लाभदायक होता है। यही वजह है कि ज्यादातर लोग नीले और सफेद रंग के अपराजिता के पौधे को घर में लगाते हैं।

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अपराजिता फूल
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शंखपुष्पी का पौधा
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अपराजिता की देखभाल
अपराजिता कैसे लगाएं
Aparajita flowers benefits
Aparajita flowers
Aprajita flower
अपराजिता के फूल
अपराजिता के फूलों के फायदे

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