What are the Chakra Crystals?

Описание к видео What are the Chakra Crystals?

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The Root Chakra, located at the base of the spine, is responsible for our physical identity and stability as well as keeping us grounded.

Bloodstone fights fear and insecurities to restore personal willpower, spiritual strength, and courage.

Tourmaline is among the most powerful grounding and protective stones available in modern day.

Red Jasper eliminates procrastination while channeling the earth’s powerful energies through the root chakra. It nurtures and transforms the auric field, allowing us to relinquish hold of that which no longer serves us.

The Sacral Chakra is the second energy center, located just below the navel. Its energies are responsible for creativity, sexuality, and the pleasure in many aspects of life.

Carnelian activates the sacral chakra to invoke passion, sexual stamina, and intimacy in relationships.

Tiger’s Eye activates, opens, and engages the sacral chakra (or second brain) and teaches us to trust our gut, quite literally.

Stilbite carries compassionate and soothing energies that promote a healthy balance between the heart and the brain. It uplifts vibrations to bring joy, love, and empathy.

The Solar Plexus Chakra, located between the heart and sacral chakras is responsible for feelings of vitality, self-esteem, and confidence. It’s located in the stomach area and is associated with the color yellow.

Citrine masters our creativity center and is responsible for our most powerful manifestation energies. It brings good luck and vital energies as bright as the sun itself.

Golden Topaz is directly related to the solar plexus chakra and thus activates our personal willpower, inner strength, and assists in the spiritual awakening process.

Amber (fossilized tree resin) holds as much natural energy as any other healing crystal. The ancient Greek word for Amber being elektron, meaning “sun” explains its attributes of vitality and the life force.

The Heart Chakra, located next to the physical heart, is responsible for all things concerning love, emotions, and the relationship we have with others as well as with ourselves.

Rose Quartz is the stone of universal love, instilling compassion, harmony, and comfort on all levels and in all types of relationships. I

Amazonite is a stone of peace, truth, and harmony, lending these attributes to the purpose of healing the heart chakra.

Rhodonite is the crystal of love and balance as it purifies, stimulates, and revitalizes the heart on both physical and emotional levels.

The Throat Chakra is the energy center responsible for communication, self-expression, and the way we relate to others.

Turquoise is most commonly known for its protection properties, but it also activates the throat chakra to assist in voicing our truth more effectively.

Blue Lace Agate is the gentle communicator, opening the throat chakra and soothing the mind to properly discern between which thoughts belong to us and which don’t.

Kyanite enhances intuition and helps us tap into the powers of mind so that we may find wisdom within ourselves.

The Third Eye Chakra, located in the middle of the forehead and between the eyebrows, is the energy center responsible for intuition, psychic wisdom, and the imagination.

Sodalite is the stone of insight and intuition. It enhances the mental state to help us overcome blockages and hindrances, promoting a better understanding of the self.

Lapis Lazuli strengthens and enhances communication between the mind, body, and spirit, instilling harmony throughout the being as a whole.

Azurite allows us to tap into our psychic abilities while enhancing intuition and insight. It promotes intellect and wisdom while releasing negativity from the body as a whole.

The Crown Chakra, located at the top of the head, is our energetic crown and is responsible for our mental capacity and spiritual awareness.

Moonstone is the crystal of new beginnings, supporting us as we embark on our quest for self-realization and transformation.

Amethyst is the stone of intuition and intellect. It instills mental clarity and helps us to tap into our natural psychic powers, promoting wisdom and spirituality.


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