Ridge Racers 2 PSP - Max Tour[Opus 5]

Описание к видео Ridge Racers 2 PSP - Max Tour[Opus 5]

Another Opus Race:

Downtown Rave City

Another fantasy highway from Rave Racer.
This Course is easier than the counterparts, only the downhill and uphill inside tunnel become interesting.

Lakeside Parkway

Lakeside from Rage Racer. Narrow, tight, and roller coaster course is the hell in Rage Racer.
Watch out for your car's speed.

Ridge City Highway R

Green Field from Ridge Racer V.
The extension consists of chicane and hairpin.
Make sure to stay consistent when drifting in the area if you don't want to hit the wall on the chicane.

Car Used: Gnade Esperanza Type Z

Worst car in this game. Just like in Rage Racer, everytime I shift up, the engine losing too much power. And this car changed from Balanced to Mild. What a challenge.

#RidgeRacers2 #PSP


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