10 Most Beautiful Funeral Hymns (With Lyrics)

Описание к видео 10 Most Beautiful Funeral Hymns (With Lyrics)

The ten most beautiful hymns for funerals and all those in need of God's comfort. In the midst of earth-shattering grief, when everything is falling apart, He is the only one who can bring comfort by His Spirit and His word, sung about in so many of these old beautiful hymns. If you are reading this now it's not an accident- God is there with you! And I cannot do much except send you a big virtual hug AND say- please email me with yo ur favourite of these songs and I'll send it to you! Pick two! Pick three! I'm always looking for ways to reach out and bless believers around the world. If you need music for an online funeral service also please reach out- as I have several songs that are specifically written for that as well as piano solos that are good for background music when needed during the service. It's my honour to provide music that can in any way help and console!

I wrote a new funeral song for those in need of one and I can't listen to it without crying. If it can serve you I'm very content:    • Lord of All Our Days - Beautiful Fune...  

Sheet Music here: https://www.sheetmusicplus.com/en/pro...

Time Stamps: [And links to full versions for use in services]

0:00 It is Well With My Soul    • It Is Well With My Soul - Hymn Sing-A...  
4:29 Peace, Be Still    • Beautiful New Hymn - Peace, Be Still ...  
7:13 The King of Love My Shepherd Is    • BEAUTIFUL Hymn with Lyrics - The King...  
9:59 Shall We Gather at the River    • BEAUTIFUL Hymn about Heaven - Shall W...  
13:21 Blessed Assurance    • Blessed Assurance- Hymn Sing-Along wi...  
17:12 What Wondrous Love Is This [When from death I'm free]    • What Wondrous Love is This - Hymn Sin...  
19:56 God Loved the World    • God Loved the World - Hymn Sing-Along...  
22:32 Jesus, Keep Me Near the Cross    • Jesus Keep Me Near the Cross - Hymn S...  
26:42 O Sacred Head Now Wounded [Shield Me When I Must Die]    • O Sacred Head, Now Wounded - With Lyr...  
29:55 Come, Ye Disconsolate    • Come, Ye Disconsolate - Hymn Sing-Alo...  

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And I'm planning another album soon - happy to hear any of your hymn requests! Email me at [email protected] or comment on any video. Subscribe for beautiful hymns with lyrics released every week!

Download or stream here:
Apple / iTunes: https://apple.co/3irGw9E
Spotify: https://spoti.fi/3IDxj8N


Follow on
Facebook:   / staceyplayshymns  
Instagram:   / staceyplayshymns  
Spotify: https://spoti.fi/3mucDYn

For permission to use this video in a church or funeral service, please email [email protected]


Thank you for your support!

If you enjoyed these songs, consider saving to your favourite Sunday or Inspirational playlist on Spotify or Apple Music to listen again in the future and help these songs reach more people. Even if your playlist has even just two likes or if it's just for you to listen to, it does actually help so much with the song getting heard by others, and also makes my day to see that people are enjoying it in their everyday lives.
Apple / iTunes: https://apple.co/3irGw9E
Spotify: https://spoti.fi/3IDxj8N


#FuneralHymns #hymnswithlyrics #traditionalhymns #beautifulhymns #grief #funeralmusic #hymnsforfunerals #hymnsofthefaith #HolySpirit #thecomforter #Jesus #resurrection #hymnsaboutHeaven #heaven #Hymns

Music engineered and produced by Anastace - www.anastace.com
© Stacey Plays Hymns 2023


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