Money origami fish 🐟 Easy money gift idea for travel

Описание к видео Money origami fish 🐟 Easy money gift idea for travel

Making a money origami fish out of a Dollar bill is an easy money gift idea for travelers. To fold this origami fish, you'll need one US Dollar bill and these DIY instructions.
Deutsche Version/German version of the folding tutorial:
   • Geld falten Fisch 🐟 Geldgeschenk Idee...  

Playlist with all my money folding tutorials:
   • Dollar Bill Origami - Money folding t...  

My YouTube Channel:
   / @faltenmityvonne  

My Twitter Account:
  / maxico86  

Origami folding tutorial filmed in 4K with a Sony a6300 camera and cut with Final Cut Pro X on an Apple iMac Computer.

Made with ♥ in Bavaria, Germany.


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