rogue canary (mick/sara/leonard) i see you

Описание к видео rogue canary (mick/sara/leonard) i see you

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This video focuses on the relationships between: Mick & Sara, Leonard & Mick, Sara & Leonard and the trio we call Rogue Canary.

Fandom: Legends of Tomorrow
Characters: Sara Lance, Mick Rory & Leonard Snart

This video is one of probably my most proudest videos because of the process of this video, and I'm telling you, it was quite the process. At first this was just a Captain Canary (Sara & Snart) video but when I was about finished with it, I didn't complete it because something was just ringing through my mind. lol And I though.... hmmm I think I should make a Rogue Canary (Leonard, Sara & Mick video)! So, basically I started a bit from scratch and finally the video was turning out as something special because I never made a Rogue Canary video so it was sort of a long over due type of thing.:)

Now, when I finished the first version of this video, something still didn't go right for me so after I completed the first version of the Rogue Canary video, it didn't have that Rogue Canary ending, it ended with Sara/Len... and something wasn't clicking with me so AGAIN! I had to find a way to extend the song and add a brief Rogue Canary ending! lol So, it took by a good 2 weeks for everything to come together after all of those complications.


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