How to GET a BOIL to POP Naturally & Safely | Can You POP a BOIL (Safely)?

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When it comes to boils, many wonder how to pop a boil, or if they should at all. It may seem like a great idea, but what's the reality of what you SHOULD do?

The truth is, popping a boil can be dangerous to do yourself. You greatly increase the risk of infection, not only to yourself and other parts of your body, but to others who may come into contact with the bacteria from your infection as well.

However, this doesn't mean that you shouldn't help your boil to pop naturally. To do this, you will want to use a warm, wet washcloth and leave it on the boil for 15 minutes at a time, several times a day, until the boil opens. This process usually takes 5 to 7 days, so be patient. (It'll be worth the wait vs. popping it yourself)

Health Tip: Be sure you wash your hands before starting and afterwards.

If you just can't stand it and the pressure hurts too bad, you should go to the doctor who can lance it for you. Lancing a boil is usually done with a sharp surgical instrument. Your doctor can provide the sanitary environment along with antibiotics, so make sure this is only done by a doctor.

Once your boil pops, you should continue using the warm, moist washcloth technique for about 3 days to help the boil to drain. Also, clean the area several times a day with antibacterial soap to prevent infection.

For faster healing, you should use natural oils such as tea tree oil or neem oil. The antibacterial and antiseptic properties will help the boil to heal faster and also help keep the bacteria at bay.

If you find yourself with a boil, be sure to check out our top recommended remedy (see link above).

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