Nuclear engineer slams Australia’s ‘dangerous’ renewables experiment

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Radiant Energy Group’s Mark Nelson has criticised Australia’s “dangerous” renewables experiment as he pushes for the country to pursue nuclear energy.

Mr Nelson claims the nuclear industry is not paying attention to Australia while the country keeps its ban on nuclear power generation.

“You guys have to take yourself seriously,” he told Sky News host Chris Kenny.

“Get that ban gone, get ready to have a patient conversation about the length of time needed to get a proper nuclear energy program in place and stabilise your grid plants and admit that it's going to be a big sacrifice to even get that 10 or 15-year gap patched up with your retiring plants before the nuclear can come online.”

The Chicago-based nuclear engineer visited Sydney to participate in the RePlanet Australia conference.

The US state of Illinois generates more electricity from nuclear energy than any other state, accounting for one-eighth of the nation's total nuclear power generation.


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