Best SPAC Stocks to Buy Now | January 2021

Описание к видео Best SPAC Stocks to Buy Now | January 2021

Here is another great SPAC stock and stock tip that could be a good buy! But remember this isn't financial advice so please do your own research.
#spacstocks #spacs #spacstobuynow #spacstobuy #stocks #stockstobuy #stockstobuynow

0:00 Intro
0:24 Key strategies for trading SPAC stocks
1:31 SVF Investment Corp $SVFAU
3:39 $SVFAU technical analysis and price target
5:46 Churchill Capital Corp IV $CCIV
6:32 $CCIV and Lucid motors rumors
7:13 $CCIV technical analysis and price target

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I have worked in the hedge fund industry, finance, venture capital, private equity and wanted to share my knowledge and create helpful finance, investing, and stock/option content for anyone new to investing and want to learn more. Each week there will be real updated market trending videos and analysis of each company or idea that you may find useful. I hope you will be able to learn how to value a stock, think about the economic impacts, and make good investment decisions from my videos. Here, we are long term investors and not short-term day traders. I will share with you ideas that have a 1 to 5 year hold recommendations. Occasionally, I will have some swing trades if it is a good opportunity based on the risk/reward level!

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**(Disclaimer: This channel has been prepared for informational purposes only and is not intended as financial advice. Individuals should never invest in the securities of any of the companies’ talked on this channel as a guaranteed way to make money. Please assume that all information provided regarding companies and their securities is not trustworthy unless verified by your own research.)


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