Obstacle Tips: Pedal for the Medal

Описание к видео Obstacle Tips: Pedal for the Medal

Join Sam & Lee as they share the tips you need to conquer your favorite obstacles at your next Savage Race.

Find a location near you: http://bit.ly/savageracelocations

Download the official (and free!) Savage Race Training Plan: http://bit.ly/savageracetrainingplan

It’s more than just a race. It’s about setting personal goals and smashing them. It’s about pushing your limits to defeat the world’s best obstacles. It’s about teamwork and friendship. It’s about the amazing people you will meet on the course. It’s about the mud, the fire, and the Facebook pics. It’s about creating the memory of a lifetime.

Savage Race offers two race options, Savage Race and Savage Blitz. Whether you are an easygoing weekend warrior out to enjoy the event or someone looking to push themselves against other fierce competitors trying to win the race--there's a challenge for you.

#TrainSavage #SavageRace #SavageSyndicate


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