KADAY 2024 - A Conversation with Dr. Yun-hyang Lee

Описание к видео KADAY 2024 - A Conversation with Dr. Yun-hyang Lee

Please join KEI for a conversation with Dr. Yun-hyang Lee, Director of Office of Language Interpretation and Senior Diplomatic Interpreter for Korean at the U.S. Department of State. Dr. Lee oversees a pool of over 70 full-time employees and 1,000 contract interpreters and translators covering more than 60 languages in bilateral and multilateral meetings for the United States. As the Senior Diplomatic Interpreter for Korean, Dr. Lee has interpreted for President Joe Biden, President Donald Trump, President Barrack Obama, President George W. Bush, and Secretaries of State, as well as other U.S. senior officials.

This event is part of KEI’s Korean American Day celebration. Every year, KEI celebrates Korean American Day to highlight the successes and importance of the Korean American community and its contributions to U.S.-Korea relations. This year marks the 121st anniversary of Korean immigration to the United States as well as the 17th anniversary of KEI’s Korean American Day celebration.


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