Experimenting with Thin Lines of Shellac Burns on Encaustic

Описание к видео Experimenting with Thin Lines of Shellac Burns on Encaustic

In this encaustic tutorial video I'm using wet and dry shellac burns in very thin lines, something I haven't tried before. It's interesting to see how different wet and dry shellac burns can be.

As I was working on this piece, I realized it was a manifestation of some things I've been thinking about. This year in sunday school, our church is studying the Old Testament, and I've been reading about the creation. I've been thinking about the meaning behind the passages in Genesis where it talks about God creating the world through words- "And God said let there be light, and there was light." It's so interesting to think of the creative properties of language. Language in and of itself is a combination of symbols- lines and shapes that we ascribe sounds and meanings to create a way to communicate with each other. We use the symbolism of language to think of new ideas, and communicate those ideas to others. Language is the basis for everything- we wouldn't understand anything, or be able to make our own creations, without the power of language.
Language brings order out of chaos. It also allows to understand when we are too ordered, and need the possibilities of a little more chaos. Speaking, listening, and writing help us to understand the balance we need to create a life full of growth and possibilities.
So, this piece symbolizes creation and the living language that makes it possible.
Because of that, I was thinking of adding the phrase "it was good" to this piece somewhere. What do you think? Should I leave it as it is? Or would the phrase be a nice finishing touch?


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