What are Super Slut Problems? | Reid With Angie and Stella Facebook Live

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Reid: Oh yeah! It's happening. Oh, yeah. Okay we got cherry blossoms this way. Hello Facebook! It’s Reid Mihalko from http://reidaboutsex.com/ and I have special guests today and.....but first I just have to apologize for I actually missed the Facebook live yesterday because I was at a funeral and was dealing with you know feelings and it just slipped my mind so I apologize. Tomorrow I'll probably talk about the languages of apology but I have more important things to...to talk about because we have Stella and we have Angie here today.
So tell the Facebook people as you chime in, leave a comment from where you're watching from? Who are you two? Tell us.

Angie: Hi. I'm Angie. I'm a sex therapist here in Portland you can find me at https://www.connectivetherapyservices...

Reid: https://www.connectivetherapyservices... and

Stella: Hi. I’m Stella Harris. I am a sex educator and coach in Portland, Oregon and you can find me at http://stellaharris.net

Reid: Popop! And we’ve had Stella on before on a past video but Angie this is your.....this is your Facebook live cherry.

Angie: It’s my premiere. I'm excited.

Reid: It's your premiere and we were talking we're doing a little co-working session at a coffee shop. What's the coffee shop name?

Stella: Case Study.

Reid: Case Study Coffee in Portland and we were talking about slut problems.

Angie: Super slut problems

Reid: Super slut problems and so I'm like we have to Facebook live about this. So if you are interested in just the title alone hit some emoticons, make it rain for Stella and....and Angie and.....and then you will talk about the slut problem. So.......so what do you....what did you what were you talking about before I...I joined you in? If you want to share.

Stella: [Inaudible 00:01:47]

Reid: See look at all look at all the emoticons.

Angie: Ohh.

Stella: Oh, we’re talking about our super slut problems

Angie: Super slut problems and also Stella and I both date openly in Portland

Reid: We're going to go this way ‘coz there’s....there’s cherry blossoms.

Angie: It's pretty. As Poly, kinky, slutty, sex positive people we really like to seek out

Reid: On

Angie: lots of fun sex adventures and what that means is we recently discovered that we had been encountering two of the same people and we were receiving different messages from them and trying to interpret what does this mean and how does this relate to what we're looking for in terms of sexuality and what kind of partners are we seeking and how do we create the kind of dynamics that we want but also can still seek out all the sluttiness we seek.

Reid: Uhuh. And then just hang on here we're going to stop. Look at those beautiful cherry blossoms everyone. This is our little [Inaudible 00:02:36] say Hi. Photo up go. Okay, keep going. Stella?

Stella: Yeah. So that's sort of the gist of it. We were wondering how do we express to people that were actually okay with ongoing casual sex in a culture where people feel like they need to behave as though it's leading to a relationship for people to be open to having sex.

Reid: Yeah.

Stella: So, what we were discussing was how do we sort of train sex positive slut positive partners?

Reid: Yeah. Well, I will I will share that which let’s go.....we'll go this way the....the thing that I ran into that we were talking about at the coffee shop was when I first started coming out as poly and....or not even before that it was it was before the poly piece where I was just exploring my promiscuity like we don't have healthy role models in our culture for...for healthy promiscuity. So we're not supposed to be doing that even though as a cisgendered man like it's okay for me to sow my oats but if I was feeling joy and liking sleeping with you casually, there wasn't a context for it so it must mean that I’d....I like you like you which must mean we need to date exclusively. There wasn't a like it's okay for me to love sleeping with you and love keeping it casual like there wasn't there wasn't a context for me and my joy and my being a decent human being, being nice to people when I was dating people who weren't slutty, we would develop feelings for each other

Angie: Yeah.

Reid: which meant we must make start making it more serious. So I just there wasn't a way to be casual. Oh, we’re walking by a school now.

Angie: I think it’s

Reid: Okay, turn around turn around we’re walking by a school

Stella: We’re walking by mistake.

Reid: There might be children so keep going. And we have to talk out our bonus Wendy

Angie: That’s another slut problem.

Reid: Yeah. So

Angie: Talking by the children.

Reid: but....but again like it was like it was hard to navigate and then my big breakthrough was when I realized for me and owned that I was slutty...


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