How to stop child support in a week.

Описание к видео How to stop child support in a week.

Discover how to stop child maintenance in just one week after being rejected by the Child Maintenance Service. This video will walk you through the steps and tips to successfully stop child maintenance and child benefit payments. Save time, hassle, and money with these tried and tested methods.

How To Stop Child Maintenance In A Week - After Rejection
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Video Content Extract
When online on forums on groups such as Facebook I often come across the comment of my child has left education they're at University or they've got a job and I've told Child Maintenance and Child Maintenance insist in my child is in education what do I do? how do I solve this well let's talk about this problem.

So in order to receive child benefit okay your child needs to be in education and so what CMS do is they use the child benefit records held by HMRC to determine whether a child's in education or not CMS do not know that your child is in education what I mean by that is that do not know what course the child is studying okay or where they're studying at and they don't need to know because because they use the child benefit records and you need to be in education to receive child benefit they just go with that, so so the eniso is he's often a child will leave leave education and for some reason the receiving parent doesn't inform child benefit and therefore child benefit continues and therefore CMS continues well the problem with that is is obviously if you paying parent that means you're going to have to pay and quite rightly you going be agrieved at paying for something that actually you don't have to pay for if your child's actually out working why are you paying child maintenance and you will ask yourself that question and quite rightly you'll probably get annoyed by it now of course what sometimes happens is the child leaves college and goes off to University and for some parents they just think well that's education well let me tell you now if a child goes to University and you are a receiving parent okay you need to inform HMRC that your child is no longer the qualifying educational course and therefore child benefit should be stopped if your child is on a university course that uh starts off with a foundation year in college it is still University education and therefore child benefit should stop so you need to inform HMRC so they can stop that now in terms of CMS what does this mean the the report is made child's not in education CMS reject it.

So how do you tackle that. Well actually you probably need to tackle that two different ways first of all, tell CMS so that it's recorded properly on their systems that you've told them and at the same time you should tell HMRC, because HMRC need to know in order to stop the child benefit.

Now because you are the paying parent you are therefore not the claimant when it comes to child benefit so what you have to do is actually you have to make a fraud report, They will not accept when you call up and say hi I'm dad my child's no longer in education can you stop the child benefit.

So how do you know that it's still been paid well one way to do that is to ask if you can make a claim and if they say it's already been claimed then you know that's the problem if they say yeah no problem make a claim then go then actually you know child's not not been claimed for so actually it should stopped but my key thing here is in order to stop the child benefit you do need to make a fraud report and when you make a fraud report, my understanding of the process is they simply contact their other parent and they ask the question is your child in education and a lot of parents obviously at that point tell around to go. oh no sorry I forgot to tell you or they're on the University course and then someone at child benefit will say University doesn't qualify in which case the benefit will stop now if the receiving parent lies, and says no my child's in education then they will get asked to prove that and if they can't prove it it will stop and if the child benefit stops that means the feed to HMRC will show up that there's no child benefit in payment and therefore stop CMS.

00:00 About Me and Child Maintenance
00:14 A Common CMS Problem
00:35 The Child Benefit Connection
01:46 Child Now At University
02:27 How To Stop CMS
03:16 Consider Applying To Find Out If Benefit Is Being Paid
05:38 Please Like and Subscribe

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