Wire Wrap Cabochon with Flat Wire

Описание к видео Wire Wrap Cabochon with Flat Wire

Make your own wire wrapped bezel featuring flat wire!

Tools/Materials: These are affiliate links and purchases made through them help support our channel at no additional cost to you!
Get your Crystals and Cabs from www.backtoearthcreations.com under Shop ~ Cabochons
The flat wire I use and recommend: https://amzn.to/3wgmEed
18ga round and 26ga round wire from www.parawire.com
Wire Snips: https://amzn.to/3qtusmW
Bent Nose Pliers: https://amzn.to/39yONQE
Round Nose Pliers: https://amzn.to/3qyOHQ9
Taper Flat nose pliers: tapered flat nose pliers
Nylon Jaw Pliers: https://amzn.to/3HccRaR

Check out our curated tool kit: https://www.backtoearthcreations.com/...

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#wirewrapping #crystaljewelry #diyjewelry


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