Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth - 95 - Kiryu's Finale, Ending & Credits

Описание к видео Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth - 95 - Kiryu's Finale, Ending & Credits

With everything wrapped up, it's time to put an end to Ebina's ambitions! As expected, the Seiryu Clan won't make it easy for you and as you approach the Millennium Tower you will be attacked by a bunch of them starting level 47, the gun-wielding ones drop rocket launchers when defeated, which can help.

Once inside, make your way through the enemies, and don't miss the chests with Nanba's Street Soul Jacket and Saeko's Cabaret Queen Dress!
Soon after finding the latter, you'll get a cutscene as a strangely-empty floor gets the party to lower their guard, but thankfully we get some backup in the form of Daigo, Majima, and Saejima who have decided to spring into action!
You'll be facing off against two waves of level 48 Seiryu members with only Kiryu and the trio as Supports, they'll be pulling their weight for sure, Majima can even cause Paralysis!

After this scrap, we get back to the climb, lots of enemies stand in the way, and the helicopter will make life harder for you as you try to traverse the floors, use cover appropriately and don't rush too much and it'll be fine.

After all that, there's a healing spot and save point, right before we reach Ebina himself, who will be pretty chatty and keen on sharing his plans and motivations. But of course, after words come fists, and so we face off against the final boss!

Ebina is level 52 and starts off weak to Slash and Electric attacks while resisting Gun and Water attacks, he has Buddhist-themed skills, some of which can put you to sleep (If you know where the Muladhara Chakra is located, piercing it would hurt a lot) or deal area damage and are pretty tricky to Perfect Guard against. He can also enrage a character while dispelling their buffs.
At 50% HP you'll get a cutscene with a mashing QTE leading to him grabbing a katana. This changes his affinities are he is now weak to Fire, Water, and Gun attacks but resists Slash and Electric attacks. He can heal 1,000 HP at a time while clearing debuffs, and as you'd expect, he now has an arsenal of Slash attacks of his own, some of them being multi-hit area attacks that are very tough to parry and one being able to Paralyze its target.
Once he is defeated, a scene will lead to a final QTE, ending the battle once and for all.

And with that, we can sit back and watch the ending, concluding another chapter in Kiryu and Ichiban's lives.

Overall, I had a great time with the game! Nearly 113 hours of gameplay, and a whole lot more time dedicated to editing and uploading these videos along with typing their descriptions! I have finished the game on the 28th of February and am uploading this final video on the 29th, which means I have basically dedicated a bit over a month solely to this game when it comes to gaming.
I have my gripes with some plot points and how the game executed them, some things were set up with no real payoff, Hanawa was done very dirty and I wish he was a Kiryu party member.
But the game also did a lot of fantastic things and introduced great characters (Yamai is fantastic and I hope to see him again in a sequel, make him a party member for Ichiban!), the side content was plentiful and despite that I never felt burned out!
In terms of gameplay, it's definitely an upgrade over its predecessor, it's very much on the easy side, but it's a lot of fun, which is what matters most to me.

Now, time to look forward to the future of the franchise! A third Judgment game would be very nice, honestly.

0:00 We're off to Kamurocho to storm the Millennium Tower!
26:40 We get some good backup!
33:53 Back to the climb.
51:07 We directly confront Ebina, who is pretty talkative.
01:05:15 Final Boss: Masataka Ebina
01:18:48 Ending Part 1
01:38:20 Credits
01:48:25 Ending Part 2


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