Klik2 lost/forgot Code

Описание к видео Klik2 lost/forgot Code

Did you forget the code? How to fix your remote keypad!

I learned this at http://www.fixya.com/support/t6043551...

*1= Linear garage door openers manufactured from 1997 to present.

*2= Chamberlin, Sears, Craftsman, LiftMaster, Master Mechanic and Do it garage door openers manufactured from1997 to 2004 (Orange learn Button)

*3= Same as *2 above, but manufactured from 2005 to present with a (Purple learn Button)

*4= Same as *2 above, but manufactured from 1993 to 1996 with a (Green learn Button)

*5= Genie Intellicode and Overhead Door garage door openers manufactured from 2005 to present (315 MHz).

*6= Same as *5 above but manufactured from 1995 to present (390 MHz).

*7= Stanley garage door openers manufactured in 1998 to present.

*9= Wayne Dalton garage door openers manufactured in 1999 to present.


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