China’s Tech Hub: What My 10KM Run Uncovered Will Amaze You!

Описание к видео China’s Tech Hub: What My 10KM Run Uncovered Will Amaze You!

This is a 720p work-in-progress video of me (I'm an Aussie) running one of my standard 10k loops from my apartment in Shenzhen, China. Any feedback would be great to help improve.

This part of Shenzhen is near the gigantic Foxxcon and Huawei phone factories, and together with others here make it the world's manufacturing center for mobile tech.

But I'm still new at this, learning to publish content that not only gives a first-hand look at China, but can also be used as treadmill running/walking scenery.

By the way - turn captions on to get info about the run, during the run.

This time I'm using a GoPro 9 (my last video was using my phone...); used Virb for the telemetry overlay data, and just Youtube Studio for captions.... I'm currently in the process of upgrading to something better for overlays and other (voiceover?).

Please let me know what you think below, especially what kinds you'd like to see in China, and meanwhile I'll do what I can do improve the quality of the videos!


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