CALLING ALL MOROCCAN JEWS! We have a beautiful job to take care of!

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Thank you for contributing!:

This is the Beit Mo'ed LeKol Chai Cemetery in Marrakech, Morocco. Over the last year and a half Monsieur (Mr.) Ohayon, a local humble Jew, has spearheaded a voluntary campaign to restore the 20,000 Jewish graves to dignity, including 650 graves of Tzadikim and Gdolei HaDor! Whereas the dilapidated cemetery was in use as a local dump, filled with trash, grass and weeds up to the hips and horrific huge snakes crawling around, it is now a respectable resting place from some of the sweetest Jews and holiest leaders of late Moroccan Jewish history, ancestors to many of our friends. He can't do it alone and we can help! This mitzvah is also of the highest order of selflessness as it is "chesed shel emet" or "true lovingkindness" because those passed can never thank us or recognize us for our contributions or efforts. Please contribute generously to help restore the dignity of these tremendous souls and simultaneously preserve the precious Moroccan Jewish history that will surely slip out of our hands if we don't take care of it. It costs approximately $36 USD to restore one grave. What a mitzvah! There are 10,000 still to restore, so everyone can have a share in this beautiful kindness. Thank you for your participation and generosity! Thank you for tagging your Moroccan Jewish friends! Thank you for sharing this project! Together, we can accomplish this effort before it is too late.


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