Mansfield Park (ITV 2007) - Part 5

Описание к видео Mansfield Park (ITV 2007) - Part 5

For educational purposes/ Not intended for commerical use

Mansfield Park is an adaptation of the novel of the same name by British author Jane Austen that premiered in the UK on ITV channel on March 18, 2007.

Adultery is not a typical Jane Austen theme, but when it disturbs the relatively peaceful household at Mansfield Park, it has quite unexpected results.
The diffident and much put-upon heroine Fanny Price has to struggle to cope with the results, re-examining her own feelings while enduring the cheerful amorality, old-fashioned indifference and priggish disapproval of those around her.

While less enjoyable than the 1999 adaptation of the novel, this TV movie remains faithful to the greater part of the narrative where the former took many, unwarranted liberties with the most pivotal part and chief characters of the story.


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