Final Fantasy X [10] Original Trailer [BETA - Proto 2000]

Описание к видео Final Fantasy X [10] Original Trailer [BETA - Proto 2000]

January 31, 2000 - Without a doubt, Square's crown jewel is Final Fantasy. Today, at the Square Millennium Event being held in Tokyo, Japan, Square officially revealed its plans for the series for well into the next few years. Final Fantasy IX was officially announced for the current PlayStation and was given a projected summer 2000 release date. Meanwhile, Square also revealed that Final Fantasy X will be released on the PlayStation 2 in early spring 2001 and Final Fantasy XI will be released on the PlayStation in the summer of 2001. All of these dates are for the Japanese versions of the games. Square-EA, which publishes Square's games outside of Japan, hasn't commented on official North American or European release dates.

Square showcased each of the first two of the three Final Fantasy games on video, but asked that the on-site press not take any pictures of the game footage. However, plenty of information was revealed about each of the three hot titles.

Final Fantasy X
Final Fantasy X was next to be shown and it looked great. There wasn't nearly as much footage shown in comparison to Final Fantasy IX, but what was shown included gameplay shots. If I had to compare it to a game that everybody has already seen, I would have to say it looked closest to From Software's Evergrace. The character was wandering around freely in a 3D world.

Like Final Fantasy IX, the characters in X have moved away from that "cyber-look." Final Fantasy X is scheduled for release in spring 2000, with a lot of principal production work already done. In the coming year, Square plans on finishing up the job and polishing up the title.

A caption on the video said, "The journey home begins." FFX will also be the first Final Fantasy to take advantage of Square's online service, although it will only take advantage of the strategy guide/hint feature - it won't be playable online.


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