Jotunþungur (Only the Worthy) – Getting Swole in Asgard (Viking Metal)

Описание к видео Jotunþungur (Only the Worthy) – Getting Swole in Asgard (Viking Metal)

Loki has always been known for his crude sense of humour and this was by no means a secret among the Norse gods. The following song tells us how the trickster god wanted to have a little fun with Thor by setting him a masterful challenge that would make even the strong son of Odin sweat.
The task was as simple as it was easy: Lift this barbell and prove your divine strength!

What Thor didn't know at the time, however, was that this barbell was a legendary artefact of the frost giants. Jotunþungur*, as the barbell was called, was forged especially for the stature and strength of the giants and imbued with a spell that meant that even the strongest giants could only lift it with great difficulty. Accordingly, those giants who were able to lift it were highly respected among their peers.

*Jotunthungur, derived from ‘Jotun’ (giants in Norse mythology) and ‘þungur’ (Old Norse for ‘heavy’)]

As the strongest warrior of the Aesir pantheon, Thor was naturally relatively unimpressed by the whole thing. With his hammer Mjölnir in one hand, the god of thunder gripped Jotunþungur's with the other ... but the bar didn't budge an inch.

Loki, now visibly amused, made no secret of his glee, however Thor still had an ace up his sleeve...

Note: This track (vocals, instruments) was created with artificial intelligence ( The background image was created with Image Creator from Microsoft Designer.

Jotunþungur Lyrics

In the halls of Asgard, a tough trial arose,
From the trickster Loki, a show of force he chose.
"Lift Jotunþungur, oh mighty Thor,
Show us your strength, and prove yourself once more."

With Mjölnir in hand, I scoffed at its might.
Believing my strength would win the fight.
But with a single grasp, my pride was slain.
Loki's laughter echoed, in mockery and disdain.

Jotunþungur they call it! From giants’ hands it came.
A barbell of steel, with thunderous fame.
So heavy, a weight none can withstand!
Only the worthy shall lift it in the end!

Determined, I gripped with both hands tight.
Focused on the task, with all my might.
Yet Jotunþungur mocked me, unmoved it stood,
Loki’s jeering laughter, boiling up my blood!

Jotunþungur they call it! From giants’ hands it came.
A barbell of steel, with thunderous fame.
So heavy, a weight none can withstand,
Only the worthy shall lift it in the end!

But I had a secret, a way to set this right.
My girdle of power, started glowing bright.
With a roar of thunder, I donned the belt.
Strength surged within, like none I'd ever felt.

But I had a secret, a way to set this right,
Megingjörð, girdle of power, glowing bright.
With a roar of thunder, I donned my belt,
Strength surged within, like none I'd ever felt.

Energized by Megingjoerð, I took my stance.
Gripped the giant's bar, like in a trance.
With a final roar, I summoned all my might.
And Jotunþungur trembled, as I raised it to the light!

Jotunþungur they call it! From giants’ hands it came,
A barbell of steel, with thunderous fame.
So heavy, a weight none can withstand,
Only the worthy shall lift it in the end.

(Final Chorus)
Jotunþungur they call it! From giants’ hands it came.
A barbell of steel, with thunderous fame.
So heavy, a weight none can withstand,
Only the worthy shall lift it in the end.

Amidst the cheers of gods, fair and bold.
Loki's jests now silenced, the truth has been foretold.
Jotunþungur's weight, a testament I bear.
The thunder god is worthy, I declare!

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