What is a Private Pension Plan and how does it fit in with your Retirement

Описание к видео What is a Private Pension Plan and how does it fit in with your Retirement

This retirement video covers the history of Defined Benefit Plans, known today as Pensions, as well as analyzes Defined Contribution plans like IRA's, 401k's and qualified annuities. It also introduces the popular new alternative safe money strategy called a Private Pension, or Private Pension Plan.

Today's retirement dreams have been jeopardized. After the Great Depression in the 1930's until the mid-1970's, America's retirement system was sound and worked great. That generation of retirees had access to defined benefit pension plans and were ensured an income for as long as they were alive with solid pension benefits in place. But over the years following the 70's, pension plans gave way to mandatory 401k's. This evolution inadvertently summoned everyday mom and pop workers to do the job of a full time pension fund manager, by forcing them to manage their own retirement money.

Fast forward to 2013. Over 10,000 baby boomers are hitting age 65 every single day for the next decade. And the majority of them are unprepared and underfunded to weather out retirement without running out of money.

With the pensions of old almost completely extinct, where can baby boomers and retirees turn for a contractually guaranteed lifetime income stream?

Introducing the Private Pension Plan. One of the last retirement and investment options in the world that can contractually offer lifetime income stream like the old school pension plans.

To learn more about Private Pension Plans, what pension benefits are available today, and how these vehicles can act as one of the most secure retirement savings and income plays for baby boomers and retirees, make sure to visit http://www.privatepension.com Today!


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