How to read whatsapp message without going online (Best Trick)

Описание к видео How to read whatsapp message without going online (Best Trick)

In this video, I have talked about how to read whatsApp messages without going online or without changing your last seen. The best way to do so is described in the video. When you receive whatsapp messages and you open your whatsapp app to read the message, then your online status will be shown to everybody, and your last seen will be updated accordingly, but by using this trick you can hide online status on whatsapp while reading whatsapp messages and your last seen will not be updated. In this trick, I have told you a way by which you can read your messages without opening whatsapp app. So you don't have to open whatsapp to read your messages, if you don't wanna reply a person then you can just ignore, and the other person will think that you haven't read his whatsapp message.

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