Russia the richest country in natural resources, its economy doesn't reflect its capabilities

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Why is Russia the richest country in natural resources on the planet, its economy does not reflect its capabilities?

today I am going to show you Why is Russia the richest country in natural resources on the planet, its economy does not reflect its capabilities?

Russia, the world’s largest transcontinental country and spanning eleven time zones, is richly endowed with natural resources. This vast country plays a crucial role in global energy and resource markets and is the main trading partner for many of its neighbors.
Russia holds the world’s largest natural gas reserves, the second-largest coal reserves, and the eighth largest oil reserves. It is one of the largest producers and exporters of natural gas, the third-largest oil producer, and the second-largest oil exporter.
But how wealthy is Russia? How does Russia’s wealth compare to other countries? And how are the returns on this wealth distributed amongst Russian citizens?


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