Königswinter Schloss Drachenburg. Fairytale Drachenburg Castle. Köln to Bonn.

Описание к видео Königswinter Schloss Drachenburg. Fairytale Drachenburg Castle. Köln to Bonn.

Welcome to the fairytale Drachenburg castle. Drachenburg Castle is a castle in the south of North Rhine-Westphalia. Drachenburg Castle is one of the most significant palace buildings of the 19th century in North Rhine-Westphalia.

The castle is located almost in the centre of a small village near the town of Bonn in Germany. The place itself is a beautiful combination of nature, in particular, forests and vineyards with historically preserved architecture! Narrow cosy streets create a homely atmosphere!

It takes about 15-20 minutes to walk up to the castle, but this climb is a small endurance test! But it's worth it for the beautiful panorama that opens at the very top of the mountain.

Castle-like in a fairy tale - this excursion is definitely worth it!
Drachenburg Castle Koenigswinter


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