Mtg Deck Tech: Temur Elementals in Core 2020 Standard!

Описание к видео Mtg Deck Tech: Temur Elementals in Core 2020 Standard!

Dev finally shows off his build of Temur Elementals, the most popular deck of the early Core 2020 meta! We'll also go over some other ways to build the deck, and incorporate gameplay for the first time ever!
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Core Set 2020 Top 25:    • Mtg: Top 25 Core Set 2020 Cards!  

Strictly Better Mtg is a Magic: the Gathering Channel that does videos on everything Magic the Gathering. We do Mtg Deck Techs, Mtg set reviews, Mtg spoilers, mtg news, mtg speculation, mtg top 10 lists, and much, much more mtg related ish!



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