Are You In A React Cult?

Описание к видео Are You In A React Cult?

React is a huge community. Misconceptions and bad information around useMemo, useCallback, the spread operator, React class components, Redux and more spread like wildfire and create cult-like followings who swear by this stuff. Let's take down a few of these big misconceptions.

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👉 VS Code theme and font? Night Wolf [black] and Operator Mono
👉 Terminal Theme and font? oh-my-posh with powerlevel10k_rainbow and SpaceMono NF

00:00 Introduction
00:45 The Never Spreaders
02:29 State Management Now And Forever
03:57 The Kondo Coders
05:49 The useMemo Conspiracy
08:22 One Render To Rule Them All
09:56 The Pyramid Scheme
11:20 The End (or is it?)


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