The Proposal! Robert & Matt (January 4, 2014)

Описание к видео The Proposal! Robert & Matt (January 4, 2014)

This video is of Robert's marriage proposal from me. I asked Robert to follow him to the courtyard, where a surprise was waiting for him...Reluctant at first, Robert then saw a gift addressed to him, and inside was a "Top Moments of My Life" board of my life, from #5 all the way to #1 - which read, "#1 - What's about to happen next...."

While Robert was reading the gift, I pulled out the speaker and hit play, and Robert was engulfed in a full-blown Flash Mob with his and my closest friends - as well as family members and other friends in attendance as well. The look on Robert's face was utter surprise. I had been planning this for months and actually managed to keep my first secret ever in life, and it paid off big. Robert said yes, and I couldn't be happier. He's the love of my life, and I'm so happy to celebrate the rest of our time together as one!


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