如何調伏嗔毒 | How to Deal With Inner Aversion in Buddhism Practices | 以佛法對治嗔恚心 | 妙音法師 | Master Miao Yin

Описание к видео 如何調伏嗔毒 | How to Deal With Inner Aversion in Buddhism Practices | 以佛法對治嗔恚心 | 妙音法師 | Master Miao Yin

佛教根本三毒: 貪、嗔、痴。「嗔毒」廣為為佛教徒最為難以對治,如何以佛系方式來正視調伏它,才不致於「一念嗔心起,火燒功德林」。 大悲菩提寺 妙音法師
There are three fundamental poisons in Buddhism: greed, hatred(Aversion), and ignorance. "Aversion to poison" is widely regarded as the most difficult for Buddhists to fight against. How to deal with it in the way of Buddhism will prevent "an aversion from one thought will cause the forest of merit to be burnt."

05:03-07:23 佛門公案:梁武帝VS.達摩祖師
7:30- 佛法對治法:三種觀照

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