Teach Your Young Horse to Get Hosed Off Without Force or Fear

Описание к видео Teach Your Young Horse to Get Hosed Off Without Force or Fear

This is the first step to teaching this 2 year old filly what water coming out of a horse is all about.

I let her investigate it on her own and decide if she wanted to participate. Moving into the water was her choice too.

The way to make training your horse a success is to do these two things:

1. Give them a choice
2. Offer them a reward

There are other subtleties to consider during the process, but in a nutshell that's gong to work every time.

Why? Because horses are smart. They enjoy learning. They like to problem solve. They like to get the right answer.

They also want to avoid distress, pain, and being forced, especially if it causes them pain, fear, and distress.

This 2 year old has never seen a hose key alone had water run on her body. She also has a history of anxiety and reactive behavior.

I've helped her develop her confidence, cognitive skills, and learn how to relax. If she had still been in a heightened state, I would have waited to do this work with her.

This session is a great example of having a horse participate in the training exercise. She's engaged, thinking, and collaborating with me. She's listening to me and I'm listening to her.

There's no force, fear, or pain. There's only two beings having a conversation and solving a puzzle together.

It's a beautiful thing.


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